People keep commenting petulantly about the Secret to Success. Hit the web & you'll find more than a tonne of recipes, with over-rated suggestions most of which are merely theoretical. If any of those work for you, toasts ! If none does, follow along this post. In the mid-school, we were taught about Compound Interest . It's the most underrated topic even been taught to someone. A principal as less as a ten bucks yields millions of dollars in the long run. . . . My sorta blacksmith-blow over the hot-topic is ' the power of compounding '- a subtle art of investing small amounts consistently. The idea of ' Investing ', here, converges on the reader's field of interest & action. Most of the people follow the ' herd approach '. They're knowledgeable, nevertheless, with ground-level understandings. I've known people bragging about being future evolutionists with zero understanding of the above law. " To be successful...